The future of Humanity depends on the Oceans

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The American Indian legend of the Fifth dream states that the dolphins, in order to fulfil their destiny and that of all other forms of beings that preceded them, dreamt of mankind and thus appeared human beings. The legend also tells us that now it is up to all of humanity to dream of its future in order to make it happen. In other words, the future of human beings depends on their capacity to join together in one dream.

Our awareness of the crucial role of the Oceans makes it incumbent on us, as human beings, to defend its creatures and preserve the primordial beauty and importance that they have for the whole planet.

Since the Ocean covers over two-thirds of our planet and produces over 50% of the oxygen we breathe and since the cetaceans, the first beings, are the custodians of its equilibrium, our very existence depends on their remaining vital.

In today's world we see that Humanity, through extraction, exploitation and production activities is contributing to the destruction of its host, the ecosystem.

We are killing what lives in the Ocean by over-exploiting the waters, the seas, the land, the air and all the natural resources that we can benefit from, without concern - or very little- about the resulting catastrophic damage. Polluting the oceans and killing the cetaceans causes serious ecological disturbances that directly threaten all forms of life on the planet.

None of us are spared of the direct consequences of this situation.

If the Oceans die, so do we.

Each one of us is all of Humanity. When I stop to self-reflect, I ask all of humanity to self-reflect. My own growth in consciousness contributes to humanity's growth in consciousness.

I want to address each and every one of us, wherever you may be, whatever you are doing, whatever you believe.

Each of us has the power to produce change: through our acts, of course, but also through our thoughts, dreams, and conscience.

Everywhere throughout the world, there is a growing awareness of the dangers and our responsibility. Men and women everywhere are changing their lifestyle to live in harmony with the earth and all living beings. Men and women everywhere are rising up to demand of the world's powerful an ending to this system of mass destruction from which they derive enormous gains, to the detriment of millions of other human beings and of generations to come; while hoping that they will come to their senses and accept their universal responsibility.

No economic or political consideration can trump Life. There is a growing movement. We must swell our ranks to give it the strength and the wind of our most lofty desires.

We will send a petition from this Humanity calling on the Humanity at the United Nations General Assembly to serve as a go-between for our organisation, its organization, our Nations, and instil a global awareness in Humanity to the need to preserve the oceans and thus our future. 

We call upon Humanity to raise its planetary awareness to protect the Ocean, the waters, the whales and the dolphins. May everyone participate through their actions, their thoughts and their dreams. 

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