Let’s move together for Earth!

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In December, in Paris, will get started one of the most important pages in the history of humanity, because the COP 21 works toward establishing an international agreement to tackle climate change.

An opportunity to change our behavior and become "world citizens", guided by our conscience and our humanity. It is no longer about defending our resources and territories, but rather to defend our souls and our humanity ...

On November  1st , as a first step towards the CoP 21, let’s participate in this planetary meditation with silent marches, prayers, sit-ins, and flasmobs accordingly with rituals of each of our communities.

The aim is to find in each of us the paths that will allow us to live better and will unite us in listening and dialogue, in brotherhood and cooperation.Only together, all together we can create the world we want to hand over to our children.

Each and every signature is essential to take the next step.

Mobilization created by 24 Earth

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