For the continuity of our House as an Independant Association

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Impossible not to defend the place of all possibilities

A big voice thundered "The MJC will be municipalized"

A small voice said, "What does it mean to municipalize? "

In the silence of my head a murmur blew "Death"

Then I said, "That means we no longer have a House and no more money"

The little voice continued, "And you do not defend yourself? "

Through the hubbub of my swirling ideas, I replied, "Yes, I defend the MJC, because this House is rich in values ​​that you will not find in a single municipal section."

The little voice added "What are your values"?

"Listen to my voice, my values ​​are freedom of democratic expression, freedom of organization of leisure time, culture times by individuals and for individuals. It is also rights: that of the opening up of ideas, their sharing, free will, that of associative life, that of frequenting an autonomous association, that of the discovery of society, its diversity, its Pluralism, its individual and collective riches, that of popular culture, those of our Republic, Freedom, Equality, Fraternity, Laicity, their recognition and their living together "

Clapping her hands, the little voice said, "Yes, yes, yes, yes ..."

"You see it's all this but it's not enough for the MJC to be respected. It is possible to municipalize an association that works well to make a profit. They want to deprive her of her employees, her skills and her adherents. The municipality installs a pole that has neither freedom nor flexibility of actions. An association which will not be able to develop because it will change project at every renewal of municipality and it will eventually switch to the benefit of a single-minded governing entity. Maybe this day is tomorrow? "

Tight throated the little voice shouted "It's rotten!"

She reflected and then said, "If you agree with all these values, then SIGN HERE so that the MJC of Sens will continue its life and remain a place of all possibilities ... for All"

Mobilization created by Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture de Sens

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